--- # the full paper title, but remove any extra subtitles added by the journal title: "Computing and statistics in the eighteenth century" # the date the paper was published on the journal's website date: "1850-06-24" # List of authors authors: - Ada Lovelace # Enter each authors full name in plain text - Florence Nightingale # One author per line # List of categories categories: - OpenSAFELY # Enter each category name in plain text - OpenPrescribing # One category per line # Full citation for the paper - this can usually be obtained from the online version of the paper or from a reference manager citation: "Lovelace A, Nightingale F. Computing and statistics in the eighteenth century: a Primer. Journal of Theory and Practice, XX(x)X.123 1850" # A short description that will display under the paper title across the # Bennett website and when the link is shared # For examples see https://www.opensafely.org/research/ description: "This paper investigated..." # the DOI identifier for the paper *after* the `https://doi.org/` doi: "10.1111/ABC(12).16030" # Paper details from the journal, if published paper: # the full title as it is displayed on the journal website title: "Computing and statistics in the eighteenth century: A Primer" # the name of the journal if the paper is published journal: "Journal of Theory and Practice" # If the paper is now published, enter information of the preprint version of the paper preprint: title: "Computing and statistics in the eighteenth century" # Preprint title doi: "abc-101232" # Preprint DOI link: https://www.preprintserver.com/abc123 # Link to preprint version of the paper # If the paper used OpenSAFELY, it should be linked to a project and repo opensafely: project: 123 # the project number from the Approved Projects page - see https://www.opensafely.org/approved-projects/ repo: "test-repo" # the name of the repo in the github.com/opensafely org # The slug is the second part of the url after the # The slug should match the DOI, but with the following amendments: # - If the DOI has brackets in it, remove them from the slug # - If the DOI has upper case characters, replace them with lowercase # For example, a DOI of the form "10.1111/ABC(12).16030", becomes "10.1111/abc12.16030" slug: "10.1111/abc12.16030" # Set the status of the paper to "preprint" or "published" status: "published" --- ## Markdown-formatted abstract goes here!