View output files in a workspace

To view files in a workspace, navigate to the Workspaces view using the links in the navigation bar. This will show you a list of workspaces that you have access to, organised by Project.

Workspaces index

Click on a workspace to view its files. The landing page for a workspace shows some details of the workspace and project. On the left hand side the workspace files are displayed in a browsable file tree.

Workspace view

Clicking on a directory will display a list of the files it contains, with some metadata about the file, such as size, type and last modified date.

Workspace directory view

To view a specific file, click on it in the directory view, or in the file tree. The contents of the file will be displayed.

Workspace file view

From the file view, the More dropdown also allows you to view the file in alternative ways, or to view the source code underlying the file.

More dropdown