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Adding an OpenSAFELY paper to🔗

We are very keen to compile all pre-printed and published OpenSAFELY studies on the OpenSAFELY website.

We have provided a template file to help you provide this information to us in the most helpful format. The template can be previewed in full below.

Please download the template, fill it in (being careful not to change the format), and send it to your co-pilot.

# the full paper title, but remove any extra subtitles added by the journal
title: "Computing and statistics in the eighteenth century"

# the date the paper was published on the journal's website
date: "1850-06-24"

# List of authors
  - Ada Lovelace # Enter each authors full name in plain text
  - Florence Nightingale # One author per line

# List of categories
  - OpenSAFELY # Enter each category name in plain text
  - OpenPrescribing # One category per line

# Full citation for the paper - this can usually be obtained from the online version of the paper or from a reference manager
citation: "Lovelace A, Nightingale F. Computing and statistics in the eighteenth century: a Primer. Journal of Theory and Practice, XX(x)X.123 1850"

# A short description that will display under the paper title across the
# Bennett website and when the link is shared
# For examples see
description: "This paper investigated..."

# the DOI identifier for the paper *after* the ``
doi: "10.1111/ABC(12).16030"

# Paper details from the journal, if published
  # the full title as it is displayed on the journal website
  title: "Computing and statistics in the eighteenth century: A Primer"
  # the name of the journal if the paper is published
  journal: "Journal of Theory and Practice"

# If the paper is now published, enter information of the preprint version of the paper
  title: "Computing and statistics in the eighteenth century" # Preprint title
  doi: "abc-101232" # Preprint DOI
  link: # Link to preprint version of the paper

# If the paper used OpenSAFELY, it should be linked to a project and repo
  project: 123 # the project number from the Approved Projects page - see
  repo: "test-repo" # the name of the repo in the org

# The slug is the second part of the url after the
# The slug should match the DOI, but with the following amendments:
# - If the DOI has brackets in it, remove them from the slug
# - If the DOI has upper case characters, replace them with lowercase
# For example, a DOI of the form "10.1111/ABC(12).16030", becomes "10.1111/abc12.16030"
slug: "10.1111/abc12.16030"

# Set the status of the paper to "preprint" or "published"
status: "published"


## Markdown-formatted abstract goes here!