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Requesting release of research outputs

Only specific members of the OpenSAFELY team trained in output checking have permissions to release the data. Having applied disclosure controls to your aggregated study data you are ready to request their release. Please read the instructions and checklist below.


You MUST NOT share any results that have not been released through the official output checking process. This includes:

  • verbal sharing
  • allowing someone to look over your shoulder
  • transcribing (e.g., to paper or email)
  • using screen sharing software or any recording device/software

Create a folder for outputs🔗

First, create one folder in your workspace called release (if you have previously made a release, we suggest appending the date to the new folder name to distinguish it) and copy from your output folder to this release folder the data files that require review. The number of study outputs requested for review must be kept to a minimum and include only the results you absolutely need to export from the secure server.

Complete a output review request form🔗

When you are ready to request a release of your aggregated results please complete this form, renaming the form to replace the placeholders with your workspace name and the date.


Each data release entails substantial review work. To retain rapid turnaround times, external data releases should typically only be of results for final submission to a journal or public notebook; or a small number of necessary releases for discussion with external collaborators.

Context requirements🔗

For each output wishing to be released you will need to provide a clear contextual description including:

  1. The file path for each output
  2. Variable descriptions
  3. A description and count of the underlying sample of the population for each output.
  4. Population size and degrees of freedom for all regression outputs.
  5. Relationship to other data/tables which through combination may introduce secondary disclosive risks.

Each section in the review request form should normally describe a single file, but where necessary for similar files, these can be grouped together and wildcards can be used for the file path (e.g. release/hospitalisation_rate_by_*.csv). If you use a wildcard, please indicate how many files this captures.

Release of intermediate data🔗

In general, releases should be for final results from your project (see the note above). However, on some occassions it is appropriate to release intermediate data. Below are some suggestions for when this is appropriate:

  • You think you may need to make minor edits to final outputs such as changing figure labels. Release of the intermediate data allows you to make these changes locally.
  • A large number of outputs are produced from a single intermediate output. Release of the intermediate data underlying the figures (which needs to be checked whether it is released or not) avoids the need to check the downstream outputs.
  • The intermediate data doesn't contain person-level data, but is used for running a model that would produce multiple outputs.

If requesting release of intermediate data there are a few considerations:

  • We recommend that you continue to develop downstream analysis actions within the OpenSAFELY pipeline, even if they are not intended to be run on the server. This helps maintain reproducibility.
  • Intermediate results can contain much more data than outputs produced at the end of the analysis pipeline. The data contained within these outputs should be the minimum amount required to produce the downstream outputs or receive feedback from project collaborators.

Error log files🔗

For error logs, they should only be requested for output in exceptional circumstances (for example, if you need to discuss the error and any related data within the log file with a researcher who writes code but does not have Level 4 results server access, otherwise we would expect both researchers to review the log via their VPN access). When an error log is requested, you must minimise any data required: make a copy of the log file and delete all data items that are not necessary. The less data that is present, the faster the review process.

Allowed file types🔗

Only certain file types will be reviewed and released from the secure server. See below for details on each type:

  • Tables - Tables should be produced as csv files.

    • Make sure that any column names are understandable for reviewers.
    • Limit the number of columns or rows to only what is necessary. The maximum number of rows that can be included in a file for release is 5000.
  • Figures - Figures can be produced as bitmap images (jpeg or png) or vector graphics (svg).

    • We recommend requesting the release of the underlying aggregated data for all figures, rather than the figures themselves. You can then create the figures outside of the secure server, which has a few advantages:
      • You can tweak the figure much quicker and easier on your local computer.
      • You won't need to make a new output checking request when you need to change the figure because of an error or stylistic tweak.
      • It's easier for output checkers to check a table of aggregated counts than a figure.
      • You can still maintain the reproducibility of your project, by committing the code to locally produce the graph to your repo.
    • If you do produce figures on the secure server, you should always produce the underlying aggregated data alongside them (even if it is not being released). This is required to prove to reviewers that there are no small counts represented in the figure.
  • Other
    • txt files can be released, but you should consider whether the output can be produced as a table, which is easier to review.
    • json files can be released, but as with tables, make sure that the attributes are easily understandable for reviewers. If the output can be represented as a table, you should consider converting it.
    • html files can be released if you are producing a report that is intended to be hosted on but please note the points below:
      • html files are harder to review than other output types, so should be reserved for reports which require both contextual text and embedded outputs. If you can produce your report locally, using individually released files, you should.
      • Make sure that any code blocks are not rendered in the rendered report if they are not needed. You can find examples showing how to do this for Jupyter notebooks and R markdown files.
      • Each individual output within the report should be requested for release separately, with the contextual information outlined above.
      • html files should be stripped of any embedded javascript and styling. This is obfuscated when viewing a report via a web browser, but makes review of the raw file very difficult. Refer to our instructions explaining how to strip the html files.
      • When making a review request that includes html files, please include a link to the code you have used to produce the reports.

If you would like to release other file types, please email, stating why it is important that the file is released in a different format.


The maximum file size that can be released is 16MB. Please check your outputs before requesting them for release. It is unlikely any outputs that exceed this in size are appropriate for release, but if you think they are, please let us know when making a release request.


Please run through this checklist before making a review request.

  1. Do your results adhere to the OpenSAFELY permitted study results policy
  2. Are all of the outputs of the allowed file types?
  3. Are all of the outputs in a separate release folder?
  4. Have you redacted any low counts?
  5. Have you rounded any counts (including counts underlying rates)?
  6. Have you supplied underlying counts for all of your results?
  7. Are all of the outputs clearly described?
    • Is the filename sensible and is the filepath provided in the request form correct?
    • Have you provided all of the context needed to review each output in isolation in the request form?
    • Have you described the disclosure controls you have applied to each output?
  8. If you are requesting the release of log files, are you sure they need to be released?
  9. Are all of the requested files below the maximum file size?

Following this checklist will make your outputs easier to check, speed up review time and avoid the outputs having to be rechecked.

Submitting the form🔗

Once you have completed this form, please send it to The requested outputs will undergo independent review by two OpenSAFELY output checkers who will check that the outputs are within the scope of your original project proposal and that they do not present any disclosure risks. Please allow up to 5 working days for feedback on your request.


The Permitted Study Results Policy may be updated: always check the policy before every new release request.


Tips for getting a quicker review Our resources for checking outputs are not unlimited, therefore it is advised to ensure you have all of your outputs ready at the same time for your project (or its current phase) so they can be reviewed together. Please make your outputs as understandable as possible for output checkers who will not be familiar with your project by, for example, using descriptive variable names and providing full descriptions of each output in the form provided.

Another reason to ensure your analyses are complete is that re-running your study definition a short time later (e.g. to create an additional variable) may produce small differences in the previous results, e.g. due to movement of patients or codes added retrospectively to patient records. If you have already released similar results, any small changes in new outputs may be subject to small number suppression which may prevent the new outputs being released at all. (One solution to minimise this issue is to round all of your results, e.g. to the nearest 5).